Interface Window
access this type via: ui.Window (provides, requires or uses)
--- extends:Panel
This API allows the programmer to create new graphical windows on the screen.
resize(WH newSize)
Window(char title[])
void setVisible(bool b)
void setResizable(bool b)
void setFullScreen(bool b)
void setTitle(char title[])
void setIcon(storePixelMap p)
void setCursor(byte cursorType, optional Cursor c)
Rect getRect()
PixelMap getPixels()
void close()
Window(char title[])
Instantiate a new window with the given title.
void setVisible(bool b)
Make the window visible / invisible.
void setResizable(bool b)
Make the window user-resizable or not.
void setFullScreen(bool b)
Place the window in full-screen mode, or in windowed mode.
void setTitle(char title[])
Set the title of the window.
void setIcon(storePixelMap p)
Set the icon used to represent the window, if the operating system supports this.
void setCursor(byte cursorType, optional Cursor c)
Set the mouse cursor globally for the window; this overrides any locally-requested cursor by GUI widgets until set back to default.
Rect getRect()
Get the current location of this window, relative to the top-left corner of the screen.
PixelMap getPixels()
Get the window's rendered content as a pixel map.
void close()
Close the window (no further operations can be called on the window once this is done).