Data type Type
access this type via: lang.Type (uses)
Data type reprenting the structure of a type, for example as returned by typeof() or various other reflective functions.
byte INTEGER Possible value for 'class', indicating that this type element is an integer.
byte DECIMAL Possible value for 'class', indicating that this type element is a decimal.
byte DATA Possible value for 'class', indicating that this type element is a data type.
byte OBJECT Possible value for 'class', indicating that this type element is an object type.
byte ARRAY Possible value for 'class', indicating that this type element is an array type.
byte F_BOOL Possible value for 'flags', potentially set for an integer of size 1, indicating that this type is a boolean.
byte F_CHAR Possible value for 'flags', potentially set for an integer of size 1, indicating that this type is a character.
byte F_FUNCTION Possible value for 'flags', potentially set for a type type, indicating that this describes a function header.
byte F_EVENT Possible value for 'flags', potentially set for a type type, indicating that this describes an event source.
byte class The class of this type, such as an integer or decimal.
byte flags Additional flags describing a type, such as boolean or character.
int size The size of this type; this value is meaningful for integer or decimal types where it indicates the number of bytes of those types. For an array type, this field is non-zero if the array has a fixed size -- and if so indicates the number of array cells.
Field fields[] The sub-fields of this type. This will be used for a data type, object type, or array type.